World's best marathons and walking events in September.

Top 22 travel destinations for runners and hikers to visit in September. 

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When summer heat goes down, when new harvests are hanging to fall into baskets… We run to welcome Autumn!

In September we run with most cheers with wine or beer. We play like kids and celebrate the pagan Harvest moon. We catch the last rays of Summer sun to enjoy gorgeous sightseeing on the run.


  • Finish summer with the spectacular running race in the highest peaks of Europe: Ultra trail du Mont Blanc (End August- beginning September)
  • Start the Autumn like a child – run in Disneyland, USA!


  • The 1st weekend of September is for Fun & Wines!
    • What’s your way to get dirty: Color run in Brussels or obstacle run at Battle of Thor in Belgium?
    • What’s your favorite wine: Vines, wines & hikes in the French Loire valley or Istrian wine run in Croatia?


  • You seriously have to make a hard decision for the 2nd weekend of September :
    • Explore the very best of London during Thames bridges trek! 16 fabulous bridges make a 25 km route simple gorgeous!
    • Stay in the UK to join the 52+ thousand crowd for iconic Great North Run.
    • Booze up in the most fun of the year – the Medoc Marathon in Bordeaux region. You’ll run through beautiful vineyards, passing 23 wine producing chateaux and numerous delicious obstacles. At every refill station you’ll be offered to charge yourself with famous Bordeaux wines and matching regional delicacies, like cheeses, foie gas, oysters, steaks and more. Cheers, bon appetite and try to reach the finish line without getting drunk! Challenge accepted?:)
    • 3 continents. 3 gorgeous mountain ranges. 3 the most spectacular runs with postcard landscapes.
      • Jungfrau marathon
      • Patagonian International marathon (Chile)
      • Ladakh marathon & Trail (India)
      • What heights will you take?


  • Easy 3rd weekend of September is perfect to chill out in Amsterdam and to walk or run from Dam to Dam, from Amsterdam city center to the neighboring iconic village of windmills – Zandaam.


  • There is something mysterious and super natural about running on the Harvest Moon weekend - End of September:
    • Celebrate the moon light at Brussels Night run or at Shine Night Walk in London and Glasgow.
    • Admire nature and look forward to great cheers at
      • Belgian Trail des Trappistes Chimay,
      • French vineyards marathon of Touraine Loire valley or
      • spectacular Big Sur Trail marathon.
    • Pick your city to explore: Moscow, Dutch The Hague, Berlin or Boston! Each of the marathons give you a perfect opportunity to see the city center and the most iconic sightseeing places.
      • See the Brandenburger Gate, Reichstag, Berliner Dom, Potsdam square and more at one of the world’s biggest, fastest and best organized marathons – BMW Berlin marathon


Where do you run in September?


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Best marathons in September

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