Travel ideas for Best places to visit in Summer. Most Fun things to do in Summer.

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Summer opens a lot of doors. The icy lands & rivers are defrozen, the grey & sad days are conquered and thrown away by sun, plenty of clothes are locked tight hopefully for long..
We are ready to enjoy the sun! We imagine bliss of delicious ice-cream seductively melting in your mouth yet sparkling with refreshing cold.. And we don’t want the heaven fall down with hot & sticky drops of some sweet creamy liquid which used to be that delightful ice-cream..
So, let’s look where & how you can enjoy the hot days of summer:)

  • Treat your inner viking – go to Fjords in Norway. It’s windy & chill even in summer, but the views are worth of this cold:)
  • Talk to Gods – go to Mountains. Now, it’s THE if not ONLY time for mountain hiking. Now, when most mountains are defrozen:) Himalya? Alps? Enjoy!
  • Feel like Hansean trader – take a Cruise or at least drive/ walk/ travel along Rhine river in Germany and every other mile give some “tax” to Medieval castles rising above the river. Get down to smuggle some Mosel & Rhine wines: Rieslings & Sekt
  • Test your sleeping abilities – Experience White Nights in St.-Petersburg (Russia). Imagine: One of the most beautiful cities of the world under daylight for 24 hours. It’s June time.
  • Summer is a great time to be in Europe – Warm, mostly pleasantly warm everywhere. Beach season is open all around (no matter that Northern sea is quite chill). It’s warm enough for non-stop open air music festivals all across Europe (like Rock am Ring in Germany and many more..) and for camping. Prepare for romantic nights in Paris and vibrant night life in Amsterdam, Brussels and.. everywhere:)
  • Build expertise in wines – whether by winetasting, hiking through vineyards or even taking some lessons. There are plenty opportunities to become a wine connoisseur in France, Italy, California and beyond:) Cheers!
  • Can you get an overdose of vitamin Sea? Check out at beaches of Adriatic & Mediterranean seas:) Mix with tequila at Mexico beaches:)
  • Find out how much of exterior beauty you can stand when outdoors in Summer cities of Italy, Greece or Spain.. Prepare Exit plans – find Museums & Galleries to give you some refreshing chill. Browse for travel guides and best things to do in Barcelona, what to do in Santorini, what to do in Reims, Champagne region and more
  • Want to find your limits of heat resistance? Go to Dubai, Egypt, Rajastan in India – with temperatures around 38C\100F
  • Like nature’s saunas? Florida, Indonesia, Malaysia might be interesting options:)
Summer is full of fun and unique festivals, from playing in mud to wines and tomatoes fights. Choose your most favorite cool festival to travel to!
Keep in mind, lots of popular Winter destinations are less welcoming in Summer:
  • Meet the Raining Man in most of Asia (e.g. India, Thailand,..)
  • “Winter” time in Brazil and around – well, it might be better than summer in some European countries though:) Still, it’s not the Carnival time:)
  • Australia & New Zealand also switch to “non-beach” mode. You need some warm clothes & umbrellas. But maybe it’s a good time to avoid crowds & dangerous nature?:)
Wish you a wonderful Summer time!
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